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Core Scientific To Repair Bitmain’s Hardware Outside Asia

The mining operator Core Scientific will become the first US based repair center for faulty Bitmain hardware.


Bitmain has said this will reduce the costs associated with shipping the product back to China, and speed up the time it takes to fix Bitmain’s hardware.

Core Scientific will also perform machines which are out-of-warranty , and engineers will be certified by Bitmain’s Ant Training Academy.

Taras Kulyk, Core Scientific’s Senior VP of Blockchain Development, said that China is the prime jurisdiction within the Bitcoin mining sector and Bitcoin’s hashrate, but that the US is vieing for their place it the top of the Bitcoin mining leaderboard:

“The growth in demand has strongly increased the strain on the repair services needed to maintain the fleet within the US. Being selected as the cooperative repair center for Bitmain will allow itmain product users in the US to reduce downtime and costs involved in repairing their hardware.”

Russell Cann, Core Scientific’s Chief Customer Success Officer, said:

“Core Scientific's repair center will save customers the international shipping cost of units going to Hong Kong. Customer downtime of a unit in-warranty repair will be significantly shortened by having a large US operator handle repairs. Shipping savings aare estimated to be as much as US$100/unit and having a repair facility in the US will cut the repair time by two weeks.”

The United States has witnessed an surge in activity, with Bitcoin’s hash rate increasing by 78% between September 2019 and April 2020.

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